10 Things You Can Do With a Payment Page

10 Things You Can Do With a Payment Page

Discover 10 different things you can do with a payment page. Find out why a payment gateway provider offers the best ways to accept online payments.

What is a payment page?

A payment page is a web page with a personalized URL, unique to you or your business. It is where your customers can complete purchases of your goods or services easily and safely.

You can direct your customers to your payment page by sharing a link with them directly, or by sharing a link on your website. Find out more about how to use a payment page in this blog.

10 things you can do with a payment page
  1. Accept all payments
    PayRequest payment pages let you accept over 20 different local payment methods. This means you will never miss a sale again!
  2. Accept all currencies
    You can accept all currencies with a payment page. All payments are accepted with real-time conversion rates.
  3. Make it personalized
    Make your payment page personalized by adding your own colors and logo!
  4. Manage your payments
    Manage all your payments in your personal dashboard. A clear overview of all payments.
  5. View customer insights
    Use your dashboard also to view all your customer insights! Access all necessary customer information and payment details.
  6. Send reminders
    Use your payment page to send friendly payment reminders to your customers.
  7. Track payments
    Track the status of all your payment links (Sent, opened, paid).
  8. Accept payments safely
    With the PayRequest payment page, you can be sure that all your payments are being processed safely thank 3D authentic identification software.
  9. Send multi-lingual payments
    Set your payment page in the language of your choice to welcome your customers. Also, send payment links in the language of your choice!
  10. Create invoices
    Use your payment page to send invoices to your customers!

Are you ready to start accepting payments via your payment page? S'inscrire aujourd'hui!

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