Accepter les paiements par code QR

How to Accept QR Code Payments

Find out how to accept QR Code payments with your business to ensure quick and easy payments every time. It’s simple, fun, and saves time for both you and your customers!

What is a QR Code?

QR codes are being used more and more throughout the world. Whilst originally created in Japan for vehicle manufacturing purposes, over the years people have found more and more ways for the QR code to bring efficiency to everyday tasks.

The QR code is essentially a type of intricate barcode, which when scanned (using a mobile phone or tablet), reveals particular qualities about the product or service of which the QR code contains data.

QR codes are very useful because they can contain large amounts of data. This is why so many businesses have found uses for them. A few examples of uses for QR Codes are for product information, marketing, and advertising campaigns, and most recently, as scannable menus.

What are QR Code Payments?

So how about making payments using QR codes?
A QR code payment is the new payment method being used by companies and customers to process payments quickly and efficiently, completely code-free.

Accepting QR code payments takes just a few moments and leaves you as a business owner, more time to focus on business rather than processing payments.

How does it work?
QR codes are pretty simple to implement into your business. Platforms like Demande de paiement allow you to create your unique QR code which can then be printed or shared with your customers.

When scanned using a mobile device, customers will be directed straight to the payment page, where their previously selected payment amount will be visible. The customer will then simply select their desired payment method and confirm the payment.

Once the payment has been processed, you will receive a notification and the payment will be visible to you on your personal PayRequest page.

QR Code Payments with PayRequest

PayRequest is an easy-use payment platform that helps you process your payments in the most effective way.

Originally created for personal business use, PayRequest has been tailored to address all of the various inconveniences a business owner comes across when processing payments.

Once you sign up to PayRequest, you will have not only a simple and easy method for creating your unique QR code payment requests but also the vast variety of features that make your experience that little bit better.

Just some of these features include; a personal payment page, where you can track and log all of your processed payments (this also saves your accountant a big task), customized payment links (with your colors and logo), 3D secure authentication, and the acceptance of all payment methods.

Ready to try it out and create your first QR code payment? S'inscrire gratuitement!

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