How to sell digital downloads

Digital Downloads are files that can be downloaded such as eBooks, audiobooks, PDFs, Exel sheets, videos, or audio files.

Selling Digital Downloads is a great way to make an income, which is why it is very popular among bloggers, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and creators.

Advantages of Selling Digital Downloads

Compared to physical goods digital downloads are much easier to sell and very scalable, it is even possible to automate your whole selling process!

What Digital Downloads can you sell online?

To give you some inspiration on what digital downloads you can sell, we have to make a list of what products and formats you can sell online.

Selling E-Books & Courses

You can sell E-books & Courses via .txt or .pdf files.

Selling Photos & Graphics

You can sell Photographs, or Webdesign work like icons, logos, and illustrations via png, SVG, .ai, and gif files.

Selling WordPress files

You can sell WordPress plugins or themes via. ZIP files.

Selling Music or Movies

You can sell your own music or movies via mp3 or mp4 files

Selling Webinars and Podcasts

You can sell recorded webinars and podcasts via mp3 or mp4. files.

Selling Computer Software

You can sell software for Windows, Mac, or Android/iOS via .exe or .dkg files.

Selling License keys or anything else

You can sell license keys via plain text files, but of course, you can sell any valuable information or knowledge you want.

Start Selling Digital Downloads!

We make it easy to sell digital downloads, our Support Team can help you with questions like integrations, creating your first product, and configuration of your payment page. Our self-service payment platform is designed for small and large businesses.

Or just want to learn more about PayRequest? Click here!

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