Netherlands Payment Methods List

Netherlands Payment Methods List

The Dutch use a variety of different payment methods and are leaving tangible money behind. Read more about the Netherlands’ favorite payment methods.

A bit about the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a Western European country and consists of 12 provinces. The country borders Germany, Belgium, and much of the North sea.

The population of the Netherlands is over 17.6 million people and it is the second most densely populated country in Europe. The country’s official language is Dutch however English is very widely spoken throughout the country and the country’s currency is the euro.

The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam, but other large cities to be noted are Rotterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht for their size, legal importance, and large ports. In fact, the Port of Rotterdam is the busiest seaport in Europe.

The Netherlands is the second largest exporter of food and agricultural produce in the world!

As a country, the Netherlands has an advanced economy and offers a good quality of life and freedom to its inhabitants.

A variety of different payment methods are used within the Netherlands as the country favors greatly the use of cards and online payments. In fact, the #1 payment method in the Netherlands is the Dutch, online payment method; iDEAL!

Please find below the list of the most popular payment methods in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands Payment Methods List

The following payment methods list includes the most popular payment methods in the Netherlands. All these payment methods can be accepted with PayRequest!

PayRequest accepts the majority of payment methods and currencies from around the world! With PayRequest you will never have to worry about receiving a payment again thanks to the many features offered by the all-in-one payment platform.

Other than the Netherlands Payment Methods list, there are plenty of other informative pages for you to explore. Why not check out:

Worldwide: Payment Methods by Country

Full list of Payment Methods accepted with PayRequest: Payment Methods List

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